Seven Wrocław research centres are consolidating their activities to jointly build strong research and development facilities and strengthen the city’s position as a significant scientific centre. This is the first step towards a Wrocław centre of excellence. The Wrocław BioTech Hub is an initiative to integrate the scientific community, but it is also a step towards joint applied research projects, the creation of an interdisciplinary doctoral school, the establishment of consortia to compete in the Virtual Research Institute competition and the optimal use of research infrastructure.
Based on the ‘Teaming for Excellence’ project at Łukasiewicz – PORT, the initiative that has just been launched is intended to prepare Wrocław to become part of a European Excellence Hub in the future, in which stakeholders will include scientific entities, entrepreneurs, start-ups, cities and citizens of the region. In the project, we will work, among other things, on implementing personalised medicine and early detection of cancer in Wrocław. That is why, symbolically, the agreement was signed on 4 February, which is International Cancer Day.
The joint action agreement was signed by:
– Prof. Robert Olkiewicz, Rector of the University of Wrocław
– Prof. Piotr Młynarz, Vice-Rector for Organisation and Infrastructure, Wrocław University of Technology
– Prof. Krzysztof Kubiak, Rector of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
– Prof. Piotr Dzięgiel, Vice-Rector for Science of the Medical University of Wrocław
– Prof. Andrzej Gamian, Director of the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy Polish Academy of Sciences
– Prof. Dariusz Kaczorowski, Director of the Institute of Low Temperatures and Structural Research, Polish Academy of Sciences
– Prof. Jarosław Bosy, Director Łukasiewicz – PORT