‘The Institute in a Nutshell’ – lecture by Aleksandra Bielawska-Pohl, PhD, Eng

Instytut w pigułce

This Thursday, March 20, we invite Employees and Doctoral Students to the next meeting in the series “Institute in a Nutshell”. Aleksandra Bielawska-Pohl, PhD Eng, President of The Polish Teachers’ Union at IIET PAS will give a presentation entitled ‘The role and importance of the Polish Teachers’ Union – trade unions at Czytaj więcej…

Presentation of Ludwik Hirszfeld’s autobiography

Hirszfeld serbia książka

We are proud to announce the promotion of the Serbian edition of Ludwik Hirszfeld’s autobiography. The Polish Embassy in Belgrade was honoured to participate in the presentation of the book ‘Ludwik Hirszfeld – Istorija jednoga života’, which took place on 20 February at the Serbian Literary Bookshop. This remarkable autobiography of the Czytaj więcej…

Publication by Professor Krystyna Dąbrowska in Nature Reviews Methods Primers

Krystyna Dabrowska

The prestigious journal Nature Reviews Methods Primers (IF = 50.1) has published a paper co-authored by Prof. Krystyna Dąbrowska, head of the Phage Molecular Biology Laboratory. Nature Reviews Methods Primers is a journal that provides the latest and most comprehensive methodological reviews across various scientific fields, serving as a benchmark for implementing cutting-edge Czytaj więcej…