3rd Polish-Czech Probiotic Conference

On September 11-13, 2024, an international conference organized by the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the 3rd Polish-Czech Probiotic Conference, will be held in Karczowiska,. The organizing committee of PCPC 2024 consists of employees and PhD students of the Laboratory of Microbiome Immunobiology of the HIIET PAS – dr hab. Sabina Górska (Head of the Laboratory), dr Agnieszka Razim, dr Dominika Jakubczyk, mgr Katarzyna Pacyga-Prus and mgr Dominika Kozakiewicz, as well as dr Martin Schwarzer from the Laboratory of Gnotobiology, Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The topics of PCPC 2024 will focus on probiotics, postbiotics, nutrition and immunology of mucous membranes. The conference is primarily aimed at enabling the exchange of experiences and results between young scientists, especially PhD students. Therefore, the organizers have waived the registration fee to enable all those interested to participate.

The conference is sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the “Excellent Science” program (project no. DNK/SP/546745/2022).

Detailed programme of the Conference: https://pcpc2024.hirszfeld.pl/

X (Twitter) event account: https://x.com/PCPC2024