Marta Piksa, M.Sc. in the Audit Committee of the National Representation of Doctoral Students

We are pleased to announce that IITD PAS doctoral student Marta Piksa, M.Sc. was included in the Audit Committee of the National Representation of Doctoral Students for the term of 2025. This organisation, in accordance with the Law on Higher Education and Science, is a nationwide representative and expression of the will of the doctoral student community. It has the right to express opinions and present proposals in matters concerning all doctoral students, including the right to give opinions on normative acts concerning doctoral students.
Anna Nieczaj, M.Sc., from the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Rzeszow University of Technology, has been appointed chairman of the National Representation of Doctoral Students.
Sincerely congratulate!
fot. Kamil Pudełko