‘The Institute in a Nutshell’ – lecture by Tomasz Berezowski , MSc Eng.

instytut w pigułce

Tomorrow, on January 16, we invite Employees and Doctoral Students to the next meeting in the series “Institute in a Nutshell”. Tomasz Berezowski, M.Sc. from the IT Department of IITD PAN will present information on the topics: “How to use HelpDesk” and ‘Backup of data related to ongoing research and projects’. The Czytaj więcej…

‘The Institute in a Nutshell’ – lecture by Dorota Misztal, MSc Eng.

instytut w pigułce

This Thursday, January 9, we invite Employees and Doctoral Students to the next meeting in the series “Institute in a Nutshell”. Dorota Misztal, MSc Eng, from the Department of Documentation and Scientific Information of IIET PAS will give a lecture entitled “Open Data”. The meeting will take place in the Institute’s auditorium Czytaj więcej…