The film “Mensch” winner of more laurels.

We are very pleased to announce that the film about Ludwik Hirszfeld “Mensch”, directed by Pawel Wysoczanski, has won awards at film festivals: 2024 Austin Polish Film Festival Audience Choice Award – best documentary film award XXX Festival of Documentary Forms NURT in Kielce – winner of the festival. 34 films were Czytaj więcej…

‘The Institute in a Nutshell’ – lectures by Swen Stręk, MSc, and Agnieszka Wilczyńska, MSc

We would like to invite you to another meeting of the ‘Institute in a nutshell’ series, during which we will have the pleasure of listening to two presentations – by Swen Stręk, MSc, from Centrum Transferu Technologii MediTransfer IITD (‘Copyright, commercialisation of research’) and by the Director’s Representative for Implementation, Agnieszka Wilczyńska, Czytaj więcej…