The Institute of Immunology and ExperimentalTherapy of the PolishAcademy of Sciences (the Institute) mayaccept a person whohascompletedan engineering, bachelor’sormaster’sdegree and isunder 30 years of age on the day the internshipbegins as a graduate intern.
Graduatepracticeat the Institutemay be unpaidorpaid.
A candidate for a graduateinternshipcontacts ( tab: Structure ) the head of the laboratory of his choice to determine the possibility of aninternship, itsdate and scope .
During the internshipat the Institute, the graduate student musthaveaccident (personalinjury) and third-party liabilityinsurance. The apprenticeisrequired to attach to the contract a photocopy of proof of insurancecertified as a truecopy of the original.
The apprenticeshipcan be carried out only on the basis of a writtenagreementbetween the apprentice and the Institute. The contractmust be signedbefore the internshipbegins and delivered to the Human Resources and PayrollDepartment.
If the Apprenticehasaccess to personalinformation. The laboratory manager shallnotify the Human Resources and Payrolldepartment.
At the end of the internship, at the request of the apprentice, anappropriatecertificatemay be issued, confirming the completion of graduatepracticeat the Institute, signed by the Director of the Institute and the laboratory manager.