Dr inż. Anna Ewelina Jarząb is awarded a scholarship from the Minister of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists

We are pleased to announce that dr inż. Anna Ewelina Jarząb (Medical Microbiology Laboratory) was awarded this year’s scholarships from the Minister of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists. Out of 1,828 applications submitted by scientists, 230 people representing 51 different scientific and artistic disciplines were awarded in this year’s competition. Dr inż. Anna Jarząb was recognized in the field of medical sciences and health sciences in the discipline of medical biology.



Information about the competition can be found at: https://www.gov.pl/web/edukacja-i-nauka/ogloszenie-wynikow-postepowania-w-sprawie-przyznania-stypendiow-ministra-edukacji-i-nauki-dla-wybitnych-mlodych-naukowcow-w-2023-r-edycja-18