Implementation of the European HR Strategy (HRS4R) at IITD PAN – “Instytut w pigułce” event

On the initiative of the Working Group for the Implementation of the European Human Resources Strategy (HRS4R), a two-day event entitled “Instytut w pigułce” was organized.

The purpose of this event was to present the organizational units of the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences supporting research from the side of regulations, procedures and support offered.

The invitation to speak was accepted by 100% of the speakers. We listened to lectures on work ethics, personal data protection, quality assurance systems, new projects at the Institute and technology transfer activities. Speakers presented procedures for preventing workplace bullying and reporting violations. The principles of applying for, conducting and accounting for new projects were presented in the context of cooperation between the Institute’s organizational units.

The two-day (October 17 and 24, 2023) “Institute in a Nutshell” was attended by a total of 87 listeners. The presentations were listened to with interest by both research staff and doctoral students, as well as administrative staff and independent employees.