“Whoever wants to be happy, should not seek happiness, should seek life.”

On March 7 this year, on the 70th anniversary of Professor Ludwik Hirszfeld’s death, a delegation from the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences took part in a ceremony to unveil a memorial plaque dedicated to our Patron. The event took place at the Regional Center for Blood Donation and Hemotherapy in Warsaw’s Saska Kepa district, near the house where the professor lived from 1938 to 1941. The ceremony was accompanied by the screening of a biographical film dedicated to the figure of Ludwik Hirszfeld, titled “Mensch”. “Mensch” directed by Pawel Wysoczanski.

We would like to thank Prof. Artur Jurczyszyn, MD, Chairman of the Social Committee for the Commemoration of the Character of Prof. Ludwik Hirszfeld, and Mr. Dariusz Piotrowski, Director of the Regional Center for Blood Donation and Hemotherapy in Warsaw, for organizing the ceremony.