Mateusz Noszka, Jakub Muraszko and Anna Pawlik from the Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Microorganisms published their work in Nature Communications (200 MEiN points, IF 16.6). The study showed that over 30% of Helicobacter pylori genes are under the transcriptional control of the HP1021 protein, including such important cellular processes as response Czytaj więcej…
Prof. dr hab. Aleksandra Klimczak is a member of the Team for Stem Cells and Cell Therapies (KMiTK)
In order to better disseminate knowledge in the area of the therapeutic potential of cells as the active substance of medicinal products, the Team for Stem Cells and Cell Therapies (KMiTK) was established at the 5th Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The team includes prof. dr hab. Czytaj więcej…
Interview with prof. Kornafel for Polish Press Agency
The website “Nauka w Polsce” published an interview with prof. Jan Kornafel – chairman of the Bioethics Committee of IIET PAS. Professor Kornafel introduced the main goals of bioethics committees, pointing out that modern progress in medical research is propelled by the cooperation of scientists with doctors working in hospitals. Developing such Czytaj więcej…
Dr inż. Anna Ewelina Jarząb is awarded a scholarship from the Minister of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists
We are pleased to announce that dr inż. Anna Ewelina Jarząb (Medical Microbiology Laboratory) was awarded this year’s scholarships from the Minister of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists. Out of 1,828 applications submitted by scientists, 230 people representing 51 different scientific and artistic disciplines were awarded in this year’s competition. Czytaj więcej…
A publication from the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Immunology was cited in prestigious journal
We are pleased to announce that the textbook Honey Bee Biology (Brian R. Johnson) published two weeks ago by Princeton University Press includes a citation from a publication from the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Immunology, headed by dr hab. Małgorzata Cebrat. This work deals with the diversity, frequency and allele distribution Czytaj więcej…
The 100th heart transplant in the Institute of Heart Diseases at the University Clinical Hospital in Wrocław – The Tissue Immunology Laboratory Team selected the donors for the transplant
The Laboratory of Tissue Immunology of the Medical Center of the IITD PAN has been cooperating since February 2021with the newly established heart transplantation center at the Jan Mikulicz-Radecki University Clinical Hospital in Wrocław. Over the last two years, the Laboratory Team has performed over 100 tests to select a heart donor Czytaj więcej…
The European Commission awarded the Institute the LOGO “HR Excellence in Research”
We are pleased to announce that on May 12 this year, the European Commission awarded the Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy the PAN LOGO “HR Excellence in Research”. Independent, international experts positively assessed the analysis of the level of application at the Institute of European Personnel Strategy and the Czytaj więcej…
Prof. dr hab. Krystyna Dąbrowska honored by the NCN
Prof. dr hab. Krystyna Dąbrowska was honored with an invitation to speak at the plenary session of the annual National Science Center Days, which will take place in Wrocław on May 10-11. As an NCN expert, he will also lead workshops on writing grant applications on the second day of meetings with Czytaj więcej…
The IV Wrocław Conference on Next Generation Sequencing
We are pleased to invite you to the 4th Wrocław Conference on Next Generation Sequencing – Targeted Cancer Treatment. It is organized by the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław’s branch of the Polish Genetic Society and Analityk Genetyka The conference will take place on Czytaj więcej…
The Polish Academy of Science congratulates the Institute for receiving the A+ category
We are proud to announce that the management of the Ludwik Hirszfeld PAN Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy were congratulated by the Polish Academy of Science for our unit being awarded the scientific category A+ in the discipline of medical sciences in the evaluation for the years 2017-2021. Professor Marek Konarzewski Czytaj więcej…