3 December, the official start of the project for funding of research teams within the Virtual Research Institute, entitled: “Personalized endothelial diagnostics in anticancer treatment; towards modern vasculooncology” [acronym: ADEVASCO (Aptamer-Based Diagnosis of Endothelium in Vasculo-oncology)] took place.
The ceremony was attended by Prof. Piotr Jedynak PhD, rector of Jagiellonian University, Teresa Kapcia MsC, Jagiellonian University Quaestor, and Jagiellonian University Deputy Quaestor for Finance Dariusz Horosin MsC, as well as Prof. Jarosław Bosy PhD, Director of the Łukasiewicz – PORT Institute, Paweł Kurant MBA, Director of the WIB Department, representatives of the Jagiellonian Innovation Center and representatives of the project’s partner units. The consortium includes:
– Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Wrocław
– The Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Institute of Oncology – National Research Institute in Gliwice
– Medical University of Gdańsk
– Warsaw University of Technology
– Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of PAS in Olsztyn
In our Institute, the project will be carried out by the team of the Laboratory of Experimental Anticancer Therapy led by Prof. Joanna Wietrzyk, PhD.
More informations